I am a journalist by education and heart. I have a master in Journalism from Roskilde University and did my internship at Denmark’s largest financial newspaper, Børsen. I loved the opportunity to work within so many different areas of journalism and always tried to challenge the notion of what was “Børsen”-content. Once I wrote an article named “Goodbye to the G-string”. Though I hit the front page with other stories, I think it might be my proudest moment to have such an article published in a financial newspaper.
I quickly became consumed by the bridge world but have been fortunate enough to find a way of combining my profession and my hobby – or maybe make my hobbies my profession. I currently have a contract with the Danish Bridge Federation as editor of the magazine Dansk Bridge with 10 yearly issues of 60 pages (20.000 printed copies).
I speak and write English and Danish like a native, I can give a lecture in Swedish or German and I can communicate in French to save my life.
My passion is the art of portraying people; I believe that everyone has a unique story and qualities – it is up to the interviewer to locate and display the core of a person.
Examples of portrait interviews
Steve Weinstein – The Vulnerable Truck Driver
Jens Auken – A Fighter’s Last Battle (also exists in a Danish version)
On Screen
I also enjoy working on camera, either as a host or interviewer. It is actually possible to make interviews with bridge players as in other sports, especially since many of them have a remarkable sense of humour, making the interviews more interesting than most football players’.
Film about junior bridge in Denmark (Danish sound)
Player interviews from the European Championships 2016
Interview with a married pair, who don’t remember how many years they have been married but know exactly how long they have played bridge together...
Love in Bridge - The Schaltzes