Bridge player
Bridge is my job, my hobby, my lover and my friend.
My life changed the day I went to a junior camp in Poland in June 2001. I considered myself a little too cool to go to a bridge camp with a bunch of geeks from all over the world. Today those geeks are my best friends.
Since that summer I spent most my summers travelling the world playing bridge. From 2012 I have been attending most of the major international championships, including the American Nationals. I love every session and every familiar face I see.
I play professionally and I play for my love of the game. The day I no longer look forward to every hand, it is time to do something different. I very much enjoy playing with partners willing to learn who also like to have a fun atmosphere at the table.
For me playing bridge is like being on a battlefield. I like to play aggressively and the stronger the opponents, the more I love the challenge.
Bridge has given me some of the best moments of my life. I have proudly represented my country and played with amazing players. My favourite moment will always be winning the European Mixed Teams in Tromso in 2015. (click for video)
I am always open to suggestions for tournaments, in Europe, the US as well as the rest of the world. Bridge brings me from Istanbul to India and Moscow to Monaco. I always dream of my next bridge adventure.