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I am a journalist by education and heart. I have a master in Journalism from Roskilde University and did my internship at Denmark’s largest financial newspaper, Børsen. I loved the opportunity to work within so many different areas of journalism and always tried to challenge the notion of what was “Børsen”-content. Once I wrote an article named “Goodbye to the G-string”. Though I hit the front page with other stories, I think it might be my proudest moment to have such an article published in a financial newspaper.
I quickly became consumed by the bridge world but have been fortunate enough to find a way of combining my profession and my hobby – or maybe make my hobbies my profession. I currently have a contract with the Danish Bridge Federation as editor of the magazine Dansk Bridge with 10 yearly issues of 60 pages (20.000 printed copies).
I speak and write English and Danish like a native, I can give a lecture in Swedish or German and I can communicate in French to save my life.
My passion is the art of portraying people; I believe that everyone has a unique story and qualities – it is up to the interviewer to locate and display the core of a person.
Examples of portrait interviews
Steve Weinstein – The Vulnerable Truck Driver
Jens Auken – A Fighter’s Last Battle (also exists in a Danish version)
On Screen
I also enjoy working on camera, either as a host or interviewer. It is actually possible to make interviews with bridge players as in other sports, especially since many of them have a remarkable sense of humour, making the interviews more interesting than most football players’.
Film about junior bridge in Denmark (Danish sound)
Player interviews from the European Championships 2016
Interview with a married pair, who don’t remember how many years they have been married but know exactly how long they have played bridge together...
Love in Bridge - The Schaltzes
Bridge is my job, my hobby, my lover and my friend.
My life changed the day I went to a junior camp in Poland in June 2001. I considered myself a little too cool to go to a bridge camp with a bunch of geeks from all over the world. Today those geeks are my best friends.
Since that summer I spent most my summers travelling the world playing bridge. From 2012 I have been attending most of the major international championships, including the American Nationals. I love every session and every familiar face I see.
I play professionally and I play for my love of the game. The day I no longer look forward to every hand, it is time to do something different. I very much enjoy playing with partners willing to learn who also like to have a fun atmosphere at the table.
For me playing bridge is like being on a battlefield. I like to play aggressively and the stronger the opponents, the more I love the challenge.
Bridge has given me some of the best moments of my life. I have proudly represented my country and played with amazing players. My favourite moment will always be winning the European Mixed Teams in Tromso in 2015. (click for video)
I am always open to suggestions for tournaments, in Europe, the US as well as the rest of the world. Bridge brings me from Istanbul to India and Moscow to Monaco. I always dream of my next bridge adventure.
If your bridge tournament needs a hostess to welcome beginners along with professionals, pimp the prizegiving ceremony and always have a big smile and a bad joke on the lips, then I know a friend…
Event Organiser
I have organised and hosted the Copenhagen Bridge Invitational 3 times. Our goal was to make the event the most glamourous and entertaining tournament in the World. I believe that all great bridge tournaments should finish with a glass of wine on the house and dinner followed by dancing.
Film from the Copenhagen Bridge Invitational 2015
Often somebody comes up to me and asks for advice about how to make their tournament a success and make all the best players attend. I always say you need to make your tournament unique. There are so many different tournaments all over the world, so you have to find a brand that makes your event stand out.
At the last three editions of the Cavendish in Monaco I have hosted the auction with the unique Zia Mahmood. For someone who loves the spotlight as I do, I confess I have never been as nervous as the first time. Luckily as in most areas of life, performance is improved by experience.
Media and Communication Lecturer
I have a diploma in strategical communication and worked with communication for 5 years. Bridge federations or clubs who need inspiration as to how they can get bridge in local or nationwide media or promote a major bridge championship, I can tell you what makes bridge sexy in the eyes of journalists.
My lectures are not limited to the bridge world; however bridge organisations will benefit more than anyone from my expertise within bridge promotion.
I speak and write English and Danish like a native, I can give a lecture in Swedish or German and I can communicate in French to save my life.